Optimization Programs

You deserve to live a life you love. A life that energizes and excites you.

And you can.

You can live a life that energizes you.  That fulfills you on deep levels. 

You can know and experience how powerful you are.

How free you are, how creative you are, how worthy you are. How vibrantly healthy you are.

You can live a life you love.

So many people live in states of depletion, stress, monotony, disease or simply low levels of joy. Having some of what they want, or moments of pleasure and freedom, but still feeling unfulfilled. This is even the case for many people who appear on the outside to have everything – the prestigious jobs, the money, the beautiful homes, the relationships.  

We are taught this is normal.  This is just what life is.  Life is struggle. It is sacrifice. You have to work hard.

What we have been taught is untrue.

I know this because I was living in these states. On the outside I appeared to have everything. Yet, I was depleted, unfulfilled, and in poor health. When I was in these states, I felt like there was no way out.  This is just what life is. 

But it is not. I have transformed my life – every area of my life - and I will help you do the same.

Your life can be filled with joy, interest and fun. You can be filled with energy and creativity. This is actually your natural state. It takes something though to experience life in this way.

What it takes is: You understanding YOU. You being YOU. Not who you think you are or have been taught to be - but the truth of who you are.

What it takes to step into a life that you revel in - is a deep dive into YOU.

The Optimization Programs I developed: THE FOUNDATION, THOUGHTS and SEX AND THE FEMININE each contain essential understandings about who you are and how you function. In the Programs you gain these essential understanding and then go beyond intellectual understanding to live, breath and be YOU. To express your creativity, your brilliance, your knowing and live a life you love.

The Optimization Programs are the education you never have, but should have had.

And they will change your life.

Schedule a Complimentary Call with Kara to learn more.

Optimization Programs

The Foundation


Sex and the Feminine

The Foundation Group Program

“If you want to know how to become more of the person you know you are called to, I suggest working with Kara immediately.” -Tara P.

Schedule a Complimentary Call with Kara.

You will use the understandings you gain from the Optimization Programs for the rest of your life, in all areas of your life.

In these Programs you understand why you don’t feel good or why you are living in low levels of joy. Why you may feel unfulfilled. Why you don’t have what you want. Why life feels like hard work. Why you feel depleted by life.

You come to know what you really want. What fulfills you. What expresses who you are - your uniqueness, your gifts and your talents. What brings you joy.

You understand what to do to bring forth what it is you are wanting.  You are not reliant on anyone or anything outside of you to get what you want.  You hold the power to bring about what you are wanting.

The Optimization Programs bring you into who YOU are.

This is where everything you want is.

Get to know YOU.

Schedule a Complimentary Call with Kara and begin your powerful journey into YOU.