It’s time for you to experience who you really are.

You can live a life that energizes and excites you. That fulfills you on deep levels.  That is joyous, interesting and fun. 

A life where you revel in your own creativity and in the love, beauty and magnificence that you are. 

If this is not your life, it can be.

And deep down, you know it.

Because something in you is calling you to it.

Don’t ignore that. Don’t just accept life as most people are living it. Don’t accept living in states of depletion, disease, stress or even low levels of joy.

You can have such a different experience.

To have a different experience requires an understanding of who you are – who you really are.  

Not who you think you should be, not who others have told you are, not what society deems good or worthy. 

You may think you know who you are – but if you are living in states of hard work, monotony, low-energy, low levels of joy or you are living in states where you don’t have what you want – you have some misunderstandings about yourself and how you function.

But once you understand YOU – your life will change.

THE FOUNDATION provides just this – a deep dive into YOU. 

We spend so much time being educated in all sorts of things. Yet, we lack an understanding of ourselves.  And then we question why our lives are not what we want them to be or we accept a mediocre or hard existence as normal. This, though, is not normal. You can have such a different experience.

This is your life – you as a unique being here in this time.  

Take the time to come to know YOU. 

It is one of the most powerful things you will ever do.

Schedule a Complimentary Call with Kara and begin your powerful journey into YOU.


THE FOUNDATION - A 12-week transformational deep-dive into YOU.

In THE FOUNDATION you will gain understandings that will benefit you for the rest of your life, in all areas of your life.


Your Manifesting Blueprint

Your Manifesting Blueprint contains detailed information setting forth:

1) Your soul-level gifts and talents, which when you utilize you step into true abundance and the infinite energy that is available to you;

2) The seven ways in which you are structured to thrive;

3) Whether you are currently living consistent with your gifts/talents and structure and, if not, where you are off and precisely by how much;

4) Steps you can take to live consistent with who you are and bring forth what it is that you are wanting.

Your Manifesting Blueprint contains a wealth of information that is utilized and applied throughout the Program. Once you have this information you understand with clarity how you - as a unique being - live an abundant, energy filled life where you THRIVE.

11 Individual Coaching Sessions

In these sessions you learn how to apply the understandings gained from your Manifesting Blueprint and the Recorded Information. This is transformative. Because you go beyond intellectual understanding and simple awareness into how do you live, breath and be YOU. You see where you are limiting yourself and what powerful actions you can take.

Each session is entirely focused on you and so you get to go deep. Deep into you, who you are and what is holding you back. You uncover and understand things about yourself you may never have known or explored before. There is no substitute for the effectiveness of one-on-one coaching. Sessions are 1hr each, done via Zoom.

12 Weeks of Recorded Information Setting forth Essential Understandings about You.

These recordings set forth essential understandings about who you are and how you function; how you bring forth the life and experiences you are wanting; how you express and experience your own creativity; and how you step into the abundance, energy and joy that is you. Once you have these understandings you can use and apply them for the rest of your life.

You can listen to the recordings while you are going for a walk, cooking or doing other things. They can fit seamlessly into your schedule and do not require an extra time commitment on your part. Further, you can listen to them as many times as you want to lock in new understandings.

Upon enrollment you receive immediate access to all of the recorded information and can listen to it at your own pace.

Schedule a Complimentary Call with Kara to learn more.

As part of THE FOUNDATION you also receive:

Kundalini Yoga Membership

Kundalini Yoga is a powerful practice that has been proven effective from various studies as well as from individual experiences. In the Program you have access to it in a range of ways that allow you to give as much or as little time as you choose. You do not have to do Kundalini Yoga to benefit from THE FOUNDATION, but it is available to you as added benefit of the Program. With your Kundalini Yoga Membership you receive:

-One live-stream Kundalini Yoga class a week via Zoom, after class you have the opportunity to ask questions and receive support;

-Access to recordings of each class, so you can do the class as many times as you chose and when it is most convenient for you;

-Daily Practice Recordings, which include a range of practices that take between 3 to 20 minutes so you can incorporate practices into your day in ways that best suit your schedule and that address what you want to focus on;

-Introduction to Kundalini Yoga Recording, to introduce you to the fundamentals of Kundalini Yoga if you are new to the practice;

-Kundalini Yoga Practice Recording, all about Kundalini Yoga practices outside of classes; and

- Yogi Tea recipe, a nourishing and delicious tea that boosts your immune system, improves digestion and increases circulation among other benefits.

The Support of Your Coach throughout the Program:

In addition to individual sessions, you also have the support of Kara, your coach, via email & text throughout the course of the Program.

You can share your victories, express how you are feeling and ask questions. Your questions are then addressed in the coaching sessions to ensure they are properly and clearly answered.

Investment: $4,700 (payment plans available).

If you are interested in a group program, The Foundation Group Program is coming soon…

Kara does exactly what she says, she brings forth results with you in an efficient and effective way. - Elizabeth L.

Schedule a Complimentary Call with Kara.

Meet Your Coach

Welcome! I’m Kara.

I had everything I thought I wanted. Everything I had worked so hard for. A J.D. from Duke Law, a prestigious job practicing high-stakes corporate litigation at one of the largest law firms in the Southeast, money, accolades, a beautiful home… yet, I was deeply unhappy, unfulfilled, depleted and had an array of health issues.

I have transformed my life - every area of it.

I have stepped into a joy, creativity, and love for myself and this experience I did not think possible. I have healed every health issue I had and am filled with energy.

I now help others do the same and I can help you.

You can have an experience of life where you are energized, fulfilled, abundant and revel in yourself, your creativity and this experience.

You not only deserve this, but it is your natural state.

Through my own experiences, trainings, research and, more importantly, tapping into and expressing my own gifts and talents (which you have too and will step fully into in the programs), I developed The Foundation and my other programs that will help you to live the life that is your birthright. What is contained in the programs is what transformed my life and is now transforming the lives of my clients.

That I am now a coach and that I developed programs has surprised and delighted even me. When I left my job as an attorney, I left without any plan. I had no idea what would transpire. The coaching I do and my programs are something I am called to. They are not simply a business idea I had. As such, I have always held that those who resonate with me and come to my programs are meant for them. Our coming together is not a coincidence.

I am moved by those I coach. Inspired by them. You are the ones who in this lifetime are going to be and express the truth of who you are. There is nothing more powerful you can do, for yourself and for this planet.

I am happy you are here. If you resonate with me and what I offer - then we are for each other and I look forward to our ecstatic journey together and all of the benefits you will receive!

As a added bonus, you will also get to meet my little love bugs - Lilly and Rosie, who join me in coaching sessions and Kundalini Yoga:)

Love to you,


I cannot recommend Kara Bitar highly enough. She worked one on one with me for 18 months and helped me shift so many things I didn’t even know I needed to shift.” Tara P.

“I cannot recommend Kara Bitar highly enough. She worked one on one with me for 18 months and helped me shift so many things I didn’t even know I needed to shift.

She helped me become aware of what my subconscious blocks were and how I was energetically stopping myself from achieving the things that I believe now I was born to do. She was encouraging and always tapped in to a source of truth that has led me to live the life of my dreams.

When I first met Kara, I was stuck and constantly in a circle of toxic behavior. Now I have an awareness of the truth of who I am, how to have more feminine experiences, and move my energy in a way that serves me and everyone around me.

I am no longer stuck and I am so grateful. If you want to know how to become more of the person you know you are called to, I suggest working with Kara immediately.”

-Tara P.

Real Results…

“Kara does exactly what she says, she brings forth results with you in an efficient and effective way. She reflects your truth until you can see it too. Her legal training shines through when getting you to understand why a certain limiting belief that’s holding you back is based on a false premise which then opens the door to a different way of being. One that feels good. You simply have to walk through the door. 

My path was not dissimilar to Kara’s in that I had what anyone outside looking in would deem a successful life. I felt like I should be happy. I had already been trained in various healing modalities and still suffered with a chronic autoimmune disease and uncertainty of my purpose after raising three children. 

With Kara’s help I began to experience myself in a different way. I began to follow what she terms as The Call. I began to listen to and value my authentic self. 

I’ve taken all of her programs and have worked one on one with her for a year now. I can not recommend her highly enough! She’s been a Divinely timed mentor on my path.

-Elizabeth L.

Schedule a Complimentary Call with Kara and begin your journey into knowing and expressing YOU.

“I started doing Kundalini Yoga with Kara Nicole Bitar in 2022. Right from the start I began having moments of emotional release on the mat. It was life transforming for me. Soon after, Kara became my coach. She has guided me gently towards my own healing and understanding of who I am. She has helped me to see how my own thoughts lead to my own beliefs and how that led to my life as I was currently living it. She also gave me tools, most specifically in her program Sex and the Feminine, to relearn who I truly am. I am feminine in nature, but I had been living mostly in my masculine. To reclaim myself has brought me joy and fulfillment. I really look forward to what I will discover about myself as I move forward.

I am so appreciative to me, that I allowed myself to get the coaching that I needed. I am so appreciative to Kara for working so closely with me and guiding my learning in her own kind, compassionate and thoughtful way. Thank you Kara, for all you do. The world is a better place because of you.”

- Jennifer B.

“I took both The Foundation and Thoughts programs  and I continue to have spiritual coaching sessions with Kara. I also received my Manifesting Blueprint and Soul Realignment reading when I first started coaching with her. These initial readings were extremely profound and insightful! As I continue to have coaching sessions with Kara, she is always able to meet me where I am and take me where I want to go…to increasingly become the truth of who I really am…my authentic self…in everyday life.  I love that Kara continues to take me deeper and deeper down this path significantly faster than I could do it alone. Along the way, she has helped me, and continues to help me, identify my limiting beliefs in more than one area of my life. She has helped me, and continues to help me, overcome them! I don’t know how she does it, but she is brilliant!” - Elizabeth S., Ph.D.

“I have had the pleasure of working with Kara over the last few years. I have done her programs The Foundation, Thoughts and Sex and the Feminine as well as individual sessions. I have learned so much, my life has remarkably improved and she has helped me reduce my everyday stress and anxiety. I highly recommend all of Kara’s programs as well as her individual sessions.” - Patricia W., M.D.

THE FOUNDATION - A deep-dive into YOU so that you live a life you LOVE.

In The Foundation you will:

  • Gain a clear understanding of who you – as a unique being - are.     

  • Come to know what your gifts and talents are and how you express those in the world.

  • Understand how you are uniquely structured to thrive.

  • Learn how you can step into and experience the abundance that is your natural state.

  • Come to understand that you are powerful, creative, and free.  That you are naturally energized by life. You will also understand why you have been experiencing something different from this, in many instances, vastly different.  

  • Dismantle false beliefs about yourself that are holding you back and creating experiences in your life that you do not want.  

  • Delve into how you actually express and experience who you are - so that you can live the life you want to be living.  This is not an intellectual exercise  - you will take specific actions so that you are not simply dreaming about living a life you love – you are actually bringing that life into being.

  • Gain an in-depth and clear understanding that you hold within you great knowing and guidance.  That you are guided all day every day and you know the path for you. 

  • Come to understand how to tap into this knowing, trust it, and live by it.

  • Come to know what new actions to take and have the courage to take them.

    You will understand how to start living from the truth of who you are and make it your norm.

Schedule a Complimentary Call with Kara.